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namestringThe name of the formula.
aliasesarrayAlternative names or aliases for the formula.
analyticsobjectAnalytics data related to the formula, such as download counts or build errors.
bottleobjectDetails about the precompiled binary packages (bottles) for the formula, including URLs and checksums.
build_dependenciesarrayDependencies required to build the formula from source.
caveatsstringSpecial instructions or warnings about the formula that users should be aware of.
conflicts_witharrayFormula names that conflict with this formula, meaning they cannot be installed simultaneously.
conflicts_with_reasonsarrayReasons why the formula conflicts with other formulae.
dependenciesarrayDependencies required to run the formula.
deprecatedbooleanWhether the formula is deprecated, meaning it is no longer supported or maintained.
deprecation_datestringThe date on which the formula was deprecated, if it is deprecated.
deprecation_reasonstringThe reason why the formula was deprecated, if it is deprecated.
descstringA short description of the formula.
disable_datestringThe date on which the formula was disabled, if it is disabled.
disable_reasonstringThe reason why the formula was disabled, if it is disabled.
disabledbooleanWhether the formula is disabled, meaning it is not available to install or use.
full_namestringThe full, qualified name of the formula including the tap name (if applicable).
generated_datestringThe date when the formula information was last generated or updated.
head_dependenciesobjectDependencies required for installing the HEAD version (directly from the source repository).
homepagestringURL to the formula's homepage or project page.
installedarrayVersions of the formula that are currently installed.
keg_onlybooleanWhether the formula is keg-only, meaning it is not symlinked into the Homebrew prefix and can be accessed only by its fully qualified name.
keg_only_reasonstringThe reason why the formula is keg-only, if it is keg-only.
licensestringThe license under which the formula is distributed.
link_overwritearrayFile paths that this formula might request to overwrite during installation.
linked_kegstringThe version of the formula that is currently linked into Homebrews prefix.
oldnamestringPrevious name for the formula, if it was renamed.
oldnamesarrayAll previous names the formula had.
optional_dependenciesarrayDependencies that are optional, meaning they are not required to run the formula.
optionsarrayOptions that can be passed to the formula when installing it.
outdatedbooleanWhether the formula is outdated, meaning a newer version is available.
pinnedbooleanWhether the formula is pinned, meaning it is not upgraded when running brew upgrade.
post_install_definedbooleanWhether a post-installation script is defined for the formula.
recommended_dependenciesarrayDependencies that are recommended, meaning they are not required to run the formula but are suggested for additional functionality.
requirementsarrayNon-formula requirements for the formula, such as specific hardware or software conditions.
revisionintegerThe package revision number, used for versioning beyond the version number.
ruby_source_checksumobjectChecksum details for the Ruby source code of the formula.
ruby_source_pathstringThe file path to the Ruby source code of the formula.
serviceobjectDetails if the formula can run as a service or background process.
tapstringThe GitHub repository (tap) where the formula is located.
tap_git_headstringThe latest commit SHA of the tap repository containing the formula.
test_dependenciesarrayDependencies required for running the formulas tests.
urlsobjectURLs related to the formula, such as the source URL.
uses_from_macosarrayDependencies that are provided by macOS, which the formula can use.
uses_from_macos_boundsarrayThe minimum and maximum macOS versions that the formula can use.
variationsobjectDifferent variations of the formula, potentially for different operating systems or configurations.
version_schemeintegerVersioning scheme used by the formula.
versioned_formulaearrayOther versions of the formula available as separate formulae.
versionsobjectThe version numbers of the formula, including the stable, head, and bottle versions.


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